profile photo of Blake

Blake Hill

GIS · Geographer · Analyst
  • ESRI: ArcGIS Pro, ArcCatalog, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, Survery 123, ArcCollector/Field Maps, ArcMap Desktop 10.x, Model builder
  • QGIS
  • Erdas Imagine
  • Geodatabases
  • Remote Sensing, image processing/analysis
  • Spatial analysis/statistical analysis
  • Cartography
  • LiDAR
  • Microsoft Office Suite: Excel, Word, Access, etc.
  • Google G Suite: Sheets, Drive, Forms, etc.
  • Google Earth Engine, Google Earth Pro
  • Web-based mapping via Leaflet and Mapbox libraries, Github, HTML, Javascript, CSS languages
  • Python, ArcPy, SQL, HTML, R, Java
  • GeoJSON
  • Tabular databases
  • Trimble
  • iTree suite
  • Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams

About Me

I am a GIS Professional currently working with ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Enterprise. I regularly utilize GIS to analyze the spatial presentation of phenomena in urban landscapes. I am interested in remote sensing, scripting for web-based, interactive mapping; automating GIS tools, and Geospatial application development. I have passions for maintaining the natural environment while transitioning to more responsible urban lives, addressing social and environmental injustice, and extending human compassion. I enjoy learning new processes and find that I am able to combine my various experiences and skillsets in constructive, efficient ways to approach challenges and achieve success while striving to learn more each day.

*I am working on formatting and adding projects and example content to this website, more to come*
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